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Diocese of Salisbury Remembrance Day display

The Diocese of Salisbury Remembrance Day display

Every year, Stoborough Primary school completes some wonderful artwork for Natre's Art in Heaven competition. In light of this, the Diocese of Salisbury asked the school to produce a display for them commemorating Remembrance Day.

Year Six produced some striking images using monotype techniques for the display. After looking at the work of war artist, Paul Nash, they learnt about stencilling, negative and positive printing, the use of materials to create texture in printing and the use of complementary colours to create impact. Once they had quickly mastered these techniques, the pupils showed themselves to be true artists and became completely absorbed in experimenting and improvising by combining various techniques. This class has to be one of the most naturally and wonderfully artistic group of pupils I have ever taught.

We discussed how the use of silhouettes and the truncating of detail to depict soldiers, suggested the terrible anonymity of war.

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